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Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS (ARM64)


Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS (ARM64) refers to a specific version of the Ubuntu operating system designed for desktop use on ARM64 architecture. ARM64 (also known as AArch64) is the 64-bit extension of the ARM architecture, commonly used in devices ranging from smartphones and tablets to servers and single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi.

Key Features and Considerations for Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS (ARM64)

  1. Long-Term Support (LTS): LTS versions receive updates and support for five years from the release date. Ubuntu 24.04 LTS will be supported until April 2029.

  2. ARM64 Architecture: This version is optimized for 64-bit ARM processors, ensuring better performance and compatibility with ARM-based hardware.

  3. User Interface: It typically comes with the GNOME desktop environment, offering a modern and user-friendly interface. Other desktop environments can be installed as well.

  4. Software Availability: Ubuntu Desktop on ARM64 supports a wide range of applications, including those available through the Ubuntu Software Center, snap packages, and traditional .deb packages.

  5. Security and Updates: Regular security updates and patches are provided, ensuring a secure and stable operating system.

  6. Hardware Compatibility: It's designed to run on ARM64 hardware, which may include certain laptops, tablets, and single-board computers. Checking hardware compatibility before installation is crucial.

  7. Community and Support: As with other Ubuntu releases, users can benefit from the large and active Ubuntu community for support, documentation, and troubleshooting.

Installation Guide

  1. Download the ISO: Obtain the Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS (ARM64) ISO file from the official Ubuntu website.

  2. Create Installation Media: Use tools like Rufus (Windows), Etcher (macOS), or the dd command (Linux) to create a bootable USB drive or SD card.

  3. Boot from Installation Media: Insert the installation media into your ARM64 device and boot from it. This may require changing the boot order in your device's BIOS/UEFI settings.

  4. Installation Process: Follow the on-screen instructions to install Ubuntu. You can choose to install it alongside another operating system or use the entire disk.

  5. Post-Installation: After installation, update the system using the command sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade to ensure all packages are up-to-date.

Useful Commands

  • Update Package Lists: sudo apt update
  • Upgrade Installed Packages: sudo apt upgrade
  • Install New Software: sudo apt install [package_name]
  • System Information: uname -a and lscpu

Potential Challenges

  • Driver Support: Ensure that drivers for your specific ARM64 hardware are available and supported.
  • Software Compatibility: While most popular software is available for ARM64, some niche applications might not be supported.


By following these guidelines and leveraging available resources, you can effectively install and use Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS on your ARM64 device.

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