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Paragon Partition Manager 15 Professional (X86-X64)

Paragon Segment Director 15 Proficient WinPE and Linux (EFI & BIOS) Boot Medias.

Paragon Segment Director 15 Proficient Make full utilize of your difficult disk capacity! The Segment Director offers an broad extend of capacities for adaptable dividing, optimization and overseeing your computer. No matter whether you are rebuilding your difficult drive and isolating it up in allotments, redistributing free memory capacity space, utilizing a few working frameworks on the PC at once or need to work with virtual difficult disks, Segment Chief puts a single first-class apportioning instrument with capable additional capacities at your fingertips.

Features of Paragon Parcel Supervisor 15 Professional

Partitioning – fast and without information loss

• The Paragon Parcel Director is there so you can handle all apportioning assignments helpfully without losing information. Do you keep everything in one huge parcel in your C: drive? Working framework, applications, diversions, records of your own… The greatly high-performance dividing motor will offer assistance you isolate your difficult disk into well-arranged allotments in no time and makes beyond any doubt the memory capacity space accessible on the difficult disk is utilized ideally.

• Helpful dividing capacities offer assistance you oversee the allotments on your difficult drive rapidly and productively. For occasion, if you need to set up a modern NTFS parcel, the program wizard will make one with the best conceivable utilization of the accessible assets (programmed arrangement). You can extend, diminish, migrate or erase allotments fair as effectively, or reestablish allotments you may have inadvertently deleted.

Complex dividing made simple

• Indeed if it gets complicated, the instinctive program colleagues are beyond any doubt to get you to your objective – and quick! Do you have bounty of space on one segment, but never sufficient on the other one? Redistribute deficiently memory capacity space and characterize the segment measure agreeing to your needs.

• Or do you need to part a huge parcel into two little ones? At that point characterize which records and organizers you need to move to the unused segment and redistribute any free memory capacity space – that’s all there is to it! And combining allotments is fair as easy.

• The Proficient Version offers the right arrangement to essentially any issue. The same goes for changing over a MBR base disk into a essential MBR disk and bad habit versa, changing essential spaces in arrange to put segments in the segment table into the right arrange or alter parcel attributes.

Enhanced information security and flexibility

• Isolating a difficult disk into at slightest two allotments gives major preferences when it comes to information security. If you keep your working framework, applications and information on diverse allotments, you will be on the secure side if ever gets to be fundamental to reinstall Windows or run a reinforcement or picture: your information will remain ensured in a isolated partition.

• At the same time, apportioning your difficult drive permits you to set up productive information organization independently custom-made to your purposes. Division into littler drives not as it were encourages more deliberate course of action, it too increments the speed of getting to the drives’ contents.

• Utilize a few distinctive working frameworks on the same computer – why not? Basically adjust the significant segments and introduce the distinctive working frameworks on your PC in parallel. Each working framework requires its possess accurately made and organized partition.

Increase difficult disk and framework performance

• The high-performance apportioning devices in the Parcel Supervisor guarantee an perfect difficult disk structure. The working framework can handle information more effectively if the physical difficult disk is isolated into a number of consistent difficult drives, each of which has its claim letter and volume name.

• The programmed apportioning arrangement* guarantees that the volumes cannot have their execution impeded by inaccurately adjusted allotments. The program as of now adjusts the allotments accurately amid the dividing prepare, hence optimizing the difficult disk’s execution. In a perfect world arranged segments speed up all record framework operations! The distinction in execution between disgracefully adjusted allotments and accurately adjusted ones can include up to 300%!

• By the way: Much appreciated to programmed segment arrangement, you can continuously get best execution out of SSDs and difficult disks with 4 KB divisions and Attack volumes.

The furthermore side for masters: Alter virtual difficult disks

• Segment Director Proficient is the as it were arrangement on the showcase that gives dividing capacities for physical and virtual drives and adjustment usefulness to all current equipment setups inside one product.

• The Paragon Interface VD innovation in the Proficient Version empowers you to work on virtual difficult drives as if they were physical difficult disks. Basically combine the virtual drive with the computer program and at that point perform all of the apportioning assignments. If you interface the virtual disk as a preview, you are sparing all changes in a single depiction, permitting you to carry out complex dividing operations without losing information and essentially without downtime.

Data security additionally much obliged to demonstrated technologies

• With Paragon’s Smart-Partition™ innovation, you can conduct your apportioning operations securely without losing a single information byte. Paragon Control Shield™ (control disappointment security) guarantees that no blunders will happen indeed if there’s a power outage, and that basic operations will proceed to be carried out as before long as the control goes back on.

• Coordinates Paragon reinforcement capacities permit you to make a reinforcement some time recently working on a difficult drive – amid progressing operation and without having to restart the computer. So if an operation doesn’t go as arranged, it’s no huge bargain. The recuperation wizard will get your framework back up and running in no time. You can moreover make reinforcements as a virtual difficult drive which you can utilize as the premise for virtual machines. At that point you can utilize the Proficient version to work on the virtual difficult drive directly!

Paragon Recuperation Medium

• The modern Recuperation Media Builder 3.0 makes it greatly simple and adaptable to make your possess individual recuperation environment. If your working framework won’t boot up any longer, you can fire up your PC with the bootable Paragon recuperation environment and stack in an existing reinforcement, secure imperative information or correct booting mistakes. With the Domestic version, you make the recuperation medium based on Linux/DOS; the Proficient version permits to plan either Linux/DOS or WinPE-based bootable recuperation media.

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